Event's Website
Aug 27, 2017
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
STAR Center
District: South Tacoma
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This lively Sunday Market, located in the heart of the MetroPark STAR Center and SERA Campus, brings the best of our local harvest to the South Tacoma community. You will find a diverse selection of local fruits, vegetables, flowers, meats, mushrooms, bakery products, specialty food items and handcrafted items. Let your kids enjoy the new playground and spray park while you shop for your weekly groceries. Live entertainment, cooking classes and workshops for the whole family. Follow us on Facebook to learn more about our upcoming seasonal events, cooking classes, workshops and music.
Currency Accepted:
Credit, Debit, EBT/SNAP, WIC, Senior Nutrition Vouchers, Fresh Bucks (1:1 match up to $10 for EBT), Apple a Day tokens. Wooden tokens do not expire, Fresh Bucks expire on December 20, 2015.
Getting There
Pierce Transit: Served by Pierce Transit routes 53 & 300. For help planning your trip, call 253.581.8000, or try Pierce Transit’s easy-to-use online Trip Planner!