Living Pink Caring Hearts Bazaar

Event's Website

Jan 27, 2018
9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Elmhurst Elementary School


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Welcome to the 3rd annual Living Pink Breast Cancer Survivor Caring Hearts Bazaar. We would love for you to come support breast cancer survivors and local vendors!

You may be asking why come shop here? Here we are raising money to celebrate some truly inspirational women who have fought with and kicked cancer in the booty!!!

Did you know breast cancer hits 1 in 8 women each year. How sad is that? We do this to help keep the Living Pink Breast Cancer Survivor Pageant alive put on by Le Cher Production proceeds go to Carol Milgard voucher program to help pay for mammograms for those who can’t afford it or insurance wont cover it. .. I mean think about it if you survived cancer wouldn’t you want someone to celibate your surviving?