The Buddhist way of Loving Kindness

Event's Website

Jun 16, 2016
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Kadampa Meditation Center Washington


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The Buddhist way of Loving Kindness

“It is sometimes very difficult to distinguish between our love and our attachment for others, but when we are able to do so, we will see that it is invariably the attachment that is the cause of our suffering. Pure unconditional love never causes any pain or worry but only peace and joy.” –Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

We all have the capacity to nurture and develop an authentic experience of love through the practice of meditation. By improving the quality of our love, we can actualize our potential to experience deep inner peace and lasting happiness. Gradually we can deepen and extend our love to include all living beings, which will have a positive, profound impact on our life, our world, and all of our relationships.

Join us for this public talk where Gen Rigpa, Western United States National Spiritual Director of the NKT-IKBU, will explain the Buddhist approach to love, and how we can practically deepen and expand our own practice of love in daily life.